Sunday, May 16, 2010

The rising power of Hitler(Dairy)


I arrived at Vienna, Austria a month ago with 4 of my masterpieces which I presented to the head of the Arts Academy. I still hadn't heard back from them yet. Those fools don't know what real art is even if its thrown at them. I'm going to head back to Germany soon, hopefully, I'll be able to find some other jobs there.


There has been an outbreak of war and every men here has been enlisted to be a part of it. I am so excited to take part in something as great as this. I'll be leaving in just a few short days and I should be back in a few month.


The war is finally over and I'm finally home. I was a Currier in there and in a few days, I am being awarded an medal for my bravery in the war. I finally have a feeling of pride and purpose now. I had heard and seen many soldiers die in the past few years. But i believe that's all worth it, fighting for our country.


I am a great public speaker. I had discovered that at my last meeting at the last SA meeting. People listen to me, I feel so much in charge right now. I love this power.
The "Treaty of Versailles" have just been verified. Those stupid British and American people. How can they make us the sole aggressor of World War one? They will pay for this one day! Those bastards!


I am writing this from jail. I have been sentenced here for organizing a Putsch against the government. the government don't know what they are doing. They are the November Criminals who signed the Tof V. They are as bad, or even worse than the Americans. People are starving on the streets and all they can do is take orders from the country that got us into this mess in the first place. I'm writing a book right now that I plan to name Mein Kampl. It expresses my anger towards this world and what i would do if I was in charge.


The Nazis are gaining popularity! We are going to stomp the Reich stag to the ground! People ask how I can gain so much support in so little time, well, heres the trick. I just rally people on a common hatred, which is the "Treaty of Versailles" and the idiotic government who signed it.


My Nazi party just won 37% of the seat! But stupid President Hindenburg refuses to allow me as Chancellor...I'll make him pay for his decision.


I cannot believe this is happening! What's wrong with the people of Germany!? Sure I used a little intimidation against the government, but I did it all for the People, and now they turn their backs on me? Our party is now broken, I don't know what to do anymore. Unless a miracle happens, the Nazi party will be history.

January 1933

My prayers have been answered! Hindenburg has agreed to appoint me as Chancellor! Morons, they think they can control me. I'll show them all wrong. No one control ls the great Hitler!

February 1933

Germany is under my control now. My Nazi squad just burned the Reich stag to the ground. People heard that it was the Communist doing and just freaked i made it a State of Emergency and used the Enabling Act. I have absolute power now and it feels GREAT!

June 1934

Some people call it the Night of the long Knives, but i like to call it Victory. Now that key army leaders are all excused, I control the army. And as we all know, who ever controls the army, controls the country.

August 1934

Finally, the day I've been waiting for is here! Hindenburg died. Now I am the chancellor and president of Germany...I am the Fuhrer! I will make Germany into the greatest country ever. in twenty years, everyone in the world will be speaking Germany and saying 'Heil Hitler'!

Information from(;;

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